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Continuing Education at VRC

Is This Going to Burn? Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

WEDNESDAY, February 3, 2016 AT 7:00 PM

Rick Chetney DVM

A Discourse on Minimizing Side Effects of Therapeutic Radiation in Veterinary Medicine

  • Basic overview of previous radiation therapy delivery methods
  • How current practices in radiation therapy can minimize side effects to normal tissues
  • Types of radiation therapy in current use
  • How current practices in radiation therapy can minimize side effects to normal tissues
  • How to manage radiation side effects once they are observed

1 credit of complimentary CE through RACE and PVMA


VRC Veterinary Referral Center

340 Lancaster Avenue

Malvern, PA 19355



Complimentary dinner and meet and greet starts at 7:00 pm. Session begins at 7:30 pm followed by Q & A.

Please contact Dara Longhini to register by January 28: 610-647-2950 or

How to Help Your Pet Recover from Surgery or Trauma

Whether it’s getting your cat spayed or neutered, or patching up your pup after an encounter with a local porcupine or coyote, or helping your pet through cancer, the fact of the matter is… pets sometimes require surgery. It’s never fun, but it’s often necessary—and the road to recovery can be just as long as with people.

Unfortunately, with pets, you can’t explain to them what’s happening. They can become stressed and upset because they have no idea why their beloved owner is doing this or that to them, even if you as their guardian know that what you’re doing will help. Anyone who’s ever tried to give a cat something as simple as eye drops knows how challenging it can be to treat an animal. You can’t make them understand that the things you are doing are for their rehabilitation, or helping them manage their pain. It’s troubling time for owners, but we here at VRC are here to help.

Understand & Follow Your Take Home Instructions

Pet LossWhen your pet needs a surgery, the best thing you can do is get informed. Listen to your veterinarian, and make sure you understand everything he or she is telling you about the procedure. This can begin with letting your pet recover in the best way, even if it means not rushing in to the recovery room after surgery to see them! That can be tough, but trust your vet. Those first few hours after surgery can be crucial.

Once you’ve seen your pet, and are on the way to taking them back home, your vet will give you aftercare instructions. The best thing you can do at this point for pet rehabilitation is go over the aftercare a few times with your vet, and make sure you understand all of it. And, if there’s something you don’t think you can manage, due to your work schedule or perhaps a small child in your home, ask your vet about outpatient support for you and your pet.

Follow Vet’s Instructions

LebelUpon getting your pet home and settled, be sure to follow your vet’s instructions. Even if your dog hates crate rest, your vet’s advice should be followed. Same goes for cats who may be cranky about having their outside time restricted—while listening to your cat complain and scrabble at the door may seem like an avoidable annoyance, it may mean the difference between life and death, especially if post-surgery your vet has recommended pain management for pets in the form of painkillers. These can slow your pet’s reflexes!

Consider Professional Pet Rehabilitation

VRC.5.15_0907At VRC we have a rehabilitation center designed to treat all your pet’s rehabilitation and recovery needs. We specialize in recovery from surgery and trauma, and pay attention to things such as weight management, pain management, and rehabilitative therapies. We offer a range of treatments including hydrotherapy, laser therapy, acupuncture, massage, therapeutic ultrasound, and exercise sessions in a canine-designed gym. We believe in the power of rehabilitation when it comes to improving your beloved pet’s strength, range of motion, and mobility. Just 25 miles outside of Philadelphia in Malvern, PA, at VRC you can expect a comprehensive plan for pain management in your pet as well as a holistic approach to his or her rehabilitation.

If your pet is recovering from surgery, or in need of pain management, get in touch with us today. VRC Specialty Hospital will develop a plan to ease this troubling time for you and your pet.

Continuing Education: Hemangiosarcoma


Dr. MJ Hamilton


  • Aims to cover basic Hermangiosarcoma biology as well as how cases typically present themselves
  • Review of traditional work-up and treatment
  • Discuss newer treatments for the disease, reviewing recent papers and promise of more effective therapy

1 credit of complimentary CE through RACE


VRC Cancer Center

330 Lancaster AVE

Malvern, PA 19355


Complimentary dinner, cocktails and meet and greet begins at 7:00pm. Session begins at 7:30pm, followed by Q&A.

Please contact Tom Paff to register by April 27th: 610-647-2950 or